Foam rolling provides a great recovery tool that is often performed post exercise or sport either immediately after the event or in the following days.

However the most useful application of a foam roller might just be before we work out or exercise in addition to post exercise recovery.

Due to the amount of sitting at desks and in cars that has become a compulsory part of modern day life, our posture, body mechanics and muscle activation patterns have become greatly affected.

Common problems such as neck back and shoulder issues seen in physiotherapy clinics can be traced back to contributing factors such as a forward head/neck posture, increased curve through the thoracic spine ( upper back) and decreased gluteal muscle function. All of these factors can be linked to poor sitting postures at a desk or in the car for prolonged periods of time.

Fortunately the use of a foam roller prior to exercise and indeed throughout the working day provides a great corrective exercise tool for undoing some of these compromised postures and body mechanics.

For example think of mobilizing the upper back prior to the performing the tennis serving action after sitting in front of a computer all day. This increased mobility through the upper back allows for the best possible shoulder mechanics and may prevent the onset of shoulder impingement type conditions.

For more information on appropriate mobility exercises and muscle release techniques that can be performed using a foam roller get in touch with the team at Balwyn Sports and Physiotherapy Centre.

Written by: Richard Butler – Physiotherapist